
Retail is our name and our vocation / When you think of retail you say Spectrum Software Solutions


Access to data is vital in a world full of competitivity and challenges..

Use of mobile devices allow access to information where the action happens.

Customer loyalty

Luring the customers in the stores represents one of the greatest challenges for a retailer.

Even more difficult is keeping these customers as loyal customers.

Advertising campaigns have to be as diverse as possible. Flexibility is the key point of customer loyalty.


Be it store networks or independent stores, they all encounter the same challenges regarding the stocks, supply chain, sales and inventory.

Reduced personnel and unqualified requires well defined work procedures to avoid possible blockages.

Fastfood / Bistro

Production and reporting towards accounting has never been easier.

Customers don’t have to form a queue at order pickup, they are announced when the order is ready.


Be it store networks or independent stores, they all encounter the same challenges regarding the stocks, supply chain, sales and inventory.
Reduced personnel and unqualified requires well defined work procedures to avoid possible blockages.
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